
Install TOR Browser in DSM of Synology DiskStation NAS via Docker (tutorial, guide, instructions)

DSM (Synology) TOR Docker

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This guide allows the default DSM 'admin' user to install the TOR browser container in Docker.

The Docker package being obviously required, make sure you installed it:

Create a new folder for the new container to be installed:

 Go to the DSM control panel's Task Scheduler:

 Create > Scheduled Task > User-defined script

 The task's name is not important but it must be marked 'inactive':


 Just one clic in the second tab (don't change the current date):


In the third tab, type your e-mail address and copy-paste the following script in the bottom field before validating with the 'OK' button (feel free to change or omit the optional timezone parameter):

docker run -d --name=torbrowser \
-p 5800:5800 \
-e PUID=0 \
-e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Paris \
--restart=always \

It's now time to execute the installation script and wait for the e-mail to arrive:

 Access to the now active container, like other packages, is done through the port we typed earlier in the script (http://yourDiskstationIP:5800)


 To conclude, here is an example of an 'onion' site open in our new Docker container:


Remember to adjust the security level according to your preference and activities 😉

Happy browsing 😊

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